Joe Maibach Art Show at Mansfield Art Center

Joe Maibach can tell you how long it took him to paint a painting based on how many Pabst Blue Ribbons he drank while he was painting it. If you asked him what he was painting, he would say he just thinks of cool stuff, and paints it. That’s true, but the “cool stuff” he’s painting undoubtedly arises from his love of nature and human anatomy. His paintings' shapes and figures tend to swirl and toggle back and forth between recognizable form and abstraction.
During the day Joe works as a prosthetic technician fabricating prostheses for people that have suffered a loss of limb due to an accident or amputation. Joe went through his own experience with amputation when he lost his leg to cancer at fourteen, which gives him a rare insight and opportunity to use his love of art to help those who are facing the challenge of relearning to use their body.
“Plants, Animals & Body Parts” is the result of a man coming home to relax in the garage and have a few beers amongst his pile of wood, tools, and lawnmower, and in Joe’s case, paint and canvas. It’s a culmination of years of sketching in class as a kid, making up superheroes, figure class in college, sitting in the backyard looking at nature, fabricating prosthetics, and shooting groundhogs, making their way somehow onto the canvas and into the gallery.”
Sponsored by: Yanke Bionics We are happy to support Joe and help to showcase the creativity and talent of our amazing staff.